April 2024

Jeffrey Sachs - The Real Roots of Hegemony

“I want to take it back to the 1840s, to the real roots of hegemony, which is Great Britain.


There was never a hegemon with such ambition and a curious view of the world.


But Britain wanted to run the world in the 19th century and taught America everything it knew.



Jeffrey Sachs - Pravi korjeni hegemonije

“Želim da se podsjetimo na 1840-te, na prave korjene hegemonije, a to je Velika Britanija.


Nikada nije postojao hegemon sa takvom ambicijom i radoznalim pogledom na svijet.


Ali Britanija je htjela da upravlja svijetom u 19. vijeku i naučila je Ameriku svemu što je znala.

